
Ray Emery Asked For Trade


According to Senators GM, Bryan Murray, Ray Emery and him had a conversation several months ago that entailed Emery asking for a trade out of town. Emery thought the move would do some good both for him and the team.

Personally, I don’t know what “Rayzor” is doing… He is on a cup contending team, he has proved that he can bring them to the big dance, and we all know that Martin Gerber is going to choke, be it in the next few weeks, or in that first round of play-offs. We all know what happened in Carolina against the Habs.

Murray admits to trying to shop Emery around, but there was no market at all for him, not surprising when you look at what Brian Burke had to do to keep his word with Bryzgalov.

Apparently though, Emery has changed his tune lately, even though he’s been missing practices, getting into scraps when he does show up at practice, and if he can’t find a willing opponent, well he’s just been breaking sticks over the end boards. When he was asked if he had asked for a trade recently, Emery replied, “No, I didn’t ask to be traded at the end of December.” Pretty specific with dates there… we should get Emery on that Fox show, The Moment of Truth. Then we might get some answers.

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